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Weavers of Orlando

Established in 1942, Weavers of Orlando is a nonprofit organization of over 100 members from the Central Florida area who are interested in promoting and encouraging interest in the fiber arts such as weaving, spinning, basketry, dying, and felting.​


Monthly meetings are held at the Orange County Extension Office and via Zoom.  Meetings begin with a Program on something fiber related, followed by brief business updates, then “Show and Tell” where members show off projects they have recently completed.




Members receive bi-monthly newsletters and get first chance to take three sponsored workshops, two of the workshops are usually with nationally known instructors. The Guild participates in Florida Tropical Weavers Guild (FTWG) conferences and Handweavers Guild of America (HGA) activities. We also host an annual Holiday Sale in December.​


Orange County Extension Office

6021 Conway Road

Orlando, FL 32812​

​​Join and become a member of the Weavers of Orlando Guild.



What's New

Weavers of Orlando has a new meeting location starting January 11, 2025


Orange County Extension Office 

6021 Conway Road, Orlando, Fl 32812



No December meeting.


We will be holding our Annual

Holiday Potluck Lunch on

Saturday December 14th. 

Contact Terri Wells to sign up.        


​Join us for the 2024 Mount Dora WoO Holiday Show and Sale. Friday 12/6/2024 thru Sunday 12/8/2024

Fill out Application form - send form and check to Jan Beasley, to participate in this years WoO Holiday Show and Sale.




Scheduled Meetings for Berna Lowenstein Study GroupsMembers will receive email with Zoom link. 


Weaving Study Group - Mornings.

Date:     Thursday, December 5, 2024

Time:    10a.m. – Noon. EST


Weaving Study Group - Evenings.

Date:     Thursday, December 12, 2024

Time:    7p.m. - 9 p.m. EST


Sprang Study Group - Mornings.

Date:     Thursday, November 21, 2024

Time:    10a.m. – Noon. EST


Stimulating Interest and Providing Education in Fiber Arts



Members go to schools, fairs, festivals, art shows to share their knowledge of Fiber Arts.

Workshop Sample.jpg

Workshops and Monthly Programs 

Three-day workshops with nationally known instructors are held 2-3 times a year for a fee to cover workshop cost. Mini-workshops are occasionally held after lunch for a small materials fee.

Woman Weaving

Study Groups

Weaving Study Groups are made up of guild members interested in sharing information about weaving with each other and in challenging each other to learn new weaving skills.


Weavers of Orlando
Officers & Committees

Executive Board

President: Carol Zito 
1st Vice-President: Terri Wells
2nd Vice-President: Donna Pratt
Secretary: Jamie LaMoreaux
Treasurer: Pam Welton

Committee Chairs & Roles

Demonstrations: Beverly Tavel

Digital Samples: Mary Schmutte

Email: Helen Burns

Exchanges: Joy Bergman

Guild Sales: Mona Robles

Historian: Joy Bergman

Hospitality: Susan Cossette

Librarian: Terri Wells

Membership: Helen Burns

Newsletter: Jamie LaMoreaux

Publicity: Helen Burns & Nyla Snodgrass

Nominating Committee: Open

Website: Deanna Hoops & Mercedes DiNatale


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